
Welcome to SCMC

A Message from our CEO

SCMC is an organization dedicated to the future of health care in west central Minnesota. We are committed to three very key strategies for our future.

SCMC is always here, making healthcare more convenient.
With a physician in house 24/7 and all the clinical services you need so close to home, you never have to worry about being able to get the quality care you deserve when you need it most.

SCMC delivers big-clinic expertise with a personal, hometown touch.
From optometry to oncology, our friendly specialists offer cutting edge services across a wide range of disciplines. Working together we coordinate highly personalized care quickly, effectively and affordably.

SCMC doesn’t just serve the community- we are part of it.
When you come to SCMC you are being cared for by neighbors, family and friends. We’re committed to providing ongoing educational and economic opportunities to help this community thrive for one simple reason: it’s our community too.

Kerrie McEvilly
President/CEO Stevens Community Medical Center
