Jan. 22, 2021
Stevens Community Medical Center recently began compiling a waiting list for people age 65+ who want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We are pleased to see there is great interest in the vaccine and will begin vaccinations from this list next week. As you are probably aware, our supply is very limited, so we will not be able to vaccinate everyone initially. The SCMC provider group decided that it was important to concentrate our limited allotment on those individuals at the highest risk. Since older age is one of the largest risk factors for hospitalization and death due to COVID-19, we will initially be focusing on people age 75+, based on random selection from the waiting list. The vaccinations will be by appointment only and we are reaching out to schedule people to receive the vaccine. There will be no walk-in availability for the vaccine. As we get more vaccine doses allotted to us, we will continue to work through our waiting list as quickly as we can. Please be patient and if you are age 65+ and not on our waiting list yet, please call 320-589-7600 to be placed on the list.
Jason Huikko, MD
SCMC Family Medicine Physician & Chief of Staff